Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A little snow, and the end of a show.

Well my voice is back! Yay! I haven't been that sick for so long. So I'm thrilled that it's over. But it's too bad that Fiddler is now over. What a great show. I was so proud to be involved with a great cast and crew. It also looks as though the audiences were pretty big too. Thanks to everyone that came out to see it. It really means a lot for you to support community theatre.

So it's snowing. HA! I don't remember the last time it snowed this much let alone in November. I have to admit though that I love snow, it makes it feel like Christmas. Just a little too early this year. I would like it to be a white Christmas just once, and maybe this will be the year. Jenn and I went to dinner tonight at a local place just up the street on Oak called "The Best Neighborhood Restaurant." Not bad food for super cheep, and we walked in the snow. It was so nice, a little cold on the face, but I hope we can do that more while the snow lasts. HEY! and what's the big deal with using an umbrella in the snow? It's still wetness falling from the sky, and the umbrella can keep you dryer. People give me a hard time about it, but I just don't get it.. can someone explain that to me?

I have to now get all my shopping done so I don't stress about presents this year. I wish I was an early shopper, but I just don't do it. I'll get some done soon.

Jenn and I finally watched The Da Vinci Code tonight. I read the book so long ago now I had almost forgot it all. It was quite good actually. I enjoy mystery/history movies and books. I watch Documentaries all the time, and I used to love this show called "Mysteries of the Bible" on A & E. I've never been religious, but I love the mystery of religion, so much I actually thought about being a religious scholar just to work on solving the unknown mysteries in the bible. Maybe one day... HAHA.. right after I write my first symphony. Hope you're all well. Let me know what you all are getting your parents/significant others for Christmas.. I need some ideas.



Nicol said...

I love that picture!

I love the snow except when it takes me 2 extra hours to get home.

I am getting my mom exciting.

Just Jim said...

Yeah, I'm another one of those that would like to be an early shopper but never quite gets around to it. Anything that gets us one on one time with our loved ones is a good thing, even snow.