Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The season

Here I am at Esquire's Coffee (16th & Oak) enjoying my coffee and free internet access thinking about the season. I realize how much I enjoy this time of year. It's cold, bright mostly, and it's closer to Christmas now. I'm glad I live in Vancouver and can enjoy my day off from work. I took Wednesdays off because I'm teaching these days at 2, but at least I can sleep in. So we are in the most entertaining part of theatre production... The last days of Tech. It's painful but necessary. The orchestra is sounding great, but we are just adjusting to fitting into a very small space behind the actors, and in a small house looking set piece. Having 2 trumpets play in your ear is pleasant for about one song, then it's a little hard to deal with. So we open on Friday, and there is another rehearsal tonight, so get your tickets now if you can. And if you can come on a Wednesday it's 5 bucks off, and we will need the audience midweek. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying your own Fall season, maybe with a coffee and computer.... maybe at an Esquire's.. maybe at THIS Esquire's... hey... stop following me.


Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

AHAHAHA that last part made me laugh!

Mike said...

We don't have Esquires here in JollyOl', so it wasn't me, I promise.

Break legs and things this weekend!!

Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

testing something...