Saturday, October 14, 2006

Post Birthday, and WTF MySpace?

First off, Thank you to everyone that commented on Blog, it was really sweet and it really made my last few days. Thanks again. Okay so is it just me, or is MySpace possibly the worst designed piece of shit on the net. It's slow, looks like a programmer threw up on his keyboard and acts like the kid in highschool that was so popular and arrogant because he use to bully people only to find out later in life that he is ugly, balding, and in a dead end job. It's unbelievable that a site so disfunctional is so popular. It must be because people just don't know any better. It's too bad it's not like Blogspot, which is beautiful and functional. Oh well.. a little rant for yas. As for me, I've had a great time the last few days. I originally didn't want anyone to know about my birthday, being 29 and all, but now I'm really happy people did find out. I haven't felt this nice on my birthday for a long time, thanks to my friends and Jenn. They really made it seem like I was wanted and important. So last night I played piano and attended the Footlight Theatre's 40th anniversary gala at the Shadbolt Centre. It was great to see a whole bunch of people I haven't seen in a while, and I was one number away from winning some door prizes. Well a gloomy day in Vancouver today, not just because of the weather, but because the Canucks lost last night. Hope you're all having a good day, and if you have big plans on this Saturday have a drink for me. OUT.


Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

HA Ryan will KILL you - he loves myspace!

Nicol said...

My Space sucks life!

Anonymous said...

first of all i'd just like to say that Facebook is where it's at. ok.

next thanks for your help today, but i found the song, it helped when robert gave me the correct name. anyways im ordering it online right now. and curse the stupid people who arent releasing the cd for lestat cause now i cant even get it transposed. i hate my life. ttyl